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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Going throught the 11 Tools for the 21st Century Learner made me realize that there were many advancements in educational technology which I was unaware of or had limited knowlege. I enjoyed learning all the 11 tools and I believe my students will also benefit from them. I will certainly incorporate more technology into instruction.
My favorite tool in my digital technology toolbox is Photostory digital story telling. I think my students will be excited to use the flip camera, videos and images on the internet to create and share stories. I also think wikis will be beneficial and fun for my students. My students will be able to use wikis in cooperative work to create stories and they will be able to write sentences using newly learned words posted on the wiki.

Tool # 11

I would make sure my students know digital etiquette. They would need to recognize inappropriate digital conduct when they see it and become responsible digital citizens. I would also make sure my students know that the internet is not necessarily a safe place and it is often used by people to commit crimes such as identity theft. My students will also be taught to search for information at reliable websites, approved by the school district to ensure accuracy of information.
I will model the attributes of digital citizenship in the classroom when using the Activeboard and the internet to teach a lesson. I will talk to my students about digital security and etiquette.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tool # 10

I reviewed several apps for education. Some of them are Word Magic, abc PocketPhonics and KidsCalc, great for spelling, reading, and math respectively. Our students will definitely benefit from the technology that will be available in our classroom this year. The IPod Touch can be a great center for students to practice skills learned in the classroom.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tool # 9

Students and teachers can use Screencast to upload images, record video and record voice and share them with others.
Skype is great for video conferencing. Teachers and students can use skype to have video conferences with other classes anywhere in the world.

Tool # 8

The first video is a song that shows students how to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and fractions into percentages. The second video is also a song with visuals on the water cycle. These videos can capture the attention of 5th grade students and can make learning fun.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tool # 7

Photostory is a great tool to use in creating your own stories. It is so easy to use; students can create their own stories as well and share them with the class.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tool # 6

Wikis are great in collaborative activities that require the input of groups of students. Students can work as a group on creating stories and they can write sentences using newly learned words posted on the wiki.
My team can use wikis to share student information and can be particularly useful in grades that are departmentalized.

Tool # 5

I enjoyed learning about delicous and diijo. I used tags to discover the following websites:

The tags I used are manipulatives and fractions.

I like the fact I can access my favorites from any computer and that social bookmarking can be very useful for sharing information with team members.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tool # 4

I uploaded uploaded a math assignment in Google Docs. I was able to share that assignment with a team member. I set up my Google Reader and subscribed to five 11 Tools blogs and I think I will add subscriptions based on personal and professional interests.
Google Docs and Google Reader are great tools for educators. Teachers can share notes, assignments and comments with students with a click of a button using Google Docs and Google Reader can save a lot of time by receiving automatic updates from your subscriptions.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tool # 3

I created the image "the four seasons" using ImageChef and Google Images. This visual can be used to demonstrate the change of the seasons according to the rotation of the earth around the sun.

I also created a mushup image using ImageChef that integrates picture, text and motion. This application can catch the students' attention and be used as a motivators for learning technology.

Tool #2

An online learning community offers a great resource to share ideas and collaborae with others on common interests.

The point that stood out is "asking questions". In order to get information/ideas that might be helpful we need to ask the appropriate questions.

The blogs I commented to are:
New School (Oliver Gomes)
1st time blogger (Ana Avendano)
Blogging (Doreen Ryan)
Blog it! (Maureen Martinez)
Lail's 11 tools for the 21st centure (Amy Lail)


I created a blog and added an avatar to my blog page by registering in google and voki. I published my blog. My students can create their own blog and communicate with students from other schools on subjects of interest, such as Science experiments.